Hi! I'm Stef šŸ‘‹ Last September, I started running, aged 41, having not run since school. Things escalated! I'm now training for the London Marathon in October šŸ™€ Read the full story

9/1/2020, 6:21:46 PM ā€“ Run log

A double hill

9.11 km52:375:38 min/kmStrava

Phew. Sunday took it out of me. Got home. Worked until late. And then yesterday I got up, started work at 6 and finished this morning at 4.30am. So far this month I think Iā€™ve had one day off. Itā€™s been intense.

Anyway. Got the new Oak teachers website shipped. It works. A few glitches here and there. And itā€™s a bit wild. There is so much content on there there is probably no way you could watch it all. About 10,000 videos with dowloads, slides and worksheets so if thereā€™s another lockdown, kids can keep learning at home.

Anyway, no rest. Went out for a run and glad I did! Feeling strong. I went for an extra hill at the end and managed that. Lifted my knees some more than usual and my right knee is feeling stronger and better. Might take the brace off sometimes!

Found an hilarious Sorry I Havenā€™t a Clue from 99 and back to back with Nemoneā€™s Tribal Gathering retrospective mix it was all very nineties out there this evening.

I think I will sleep well tonight! Phew šŸ˜…

8/30/2020, 8:54:07 AM ā€“ Run log

To Richmond to see the deer HM27

36.09 km03:39:476:09 min/kmStrava

Itā€™s the ā€œ40th Raceā€ marathon in a monthā€™s time. So Iā€™ve ramped up to 30km+ each Sunday and 55km per week.

If anyone has advice on whether I should do one or two more at this distance, Iā€™d appreciate it! The plans Iā€™ve seen show a drop downwards now, but I only started 4 weeks ago with marathon prep so itā€™s a bit confusing.

I got a bit lost around Richmond park but got to see the deer, and itā€™s all looking very autumnal out there. šŸ‚

Finished The System - Iā€™d very much recommend. Super interesting and timely. Tried something else but it sounded quite robotic! So went with Youā€™re Dead To Me which is always hilarious and then Nemoneā€™s got a Tribal Gathering 90s set which got me home.

Phew. Tired!

8/27/2020, 5:08:16 PM ā€“ Run log

A rather wet 1.5hrs to Kennington and back ā˜”ļø

16.28 km01:35:415:48 min/kmStrava

You canā€™t really see from the photo but I was soaked! Listening to The System some more and itā€™s fascinating. These mid week ones are challenging to fit in but I finished work early and went for it despite the weather.

8/26/2020, 6:58:17 PM ā€“ Run log

A few fast bits and slow 2k back

8.09 km45:265:22 min/kmStrava

Iā€™m not really following a plan now but I have about four or five weeks to get into ā€œmarathon shapeā€, but I think if I ramp up by a few km per run, keep a short run for speed and aim for a 30km in three weeks time Iā€™ll be all set. I think.

So this is my middle-ish run where Iā€™ll try to go a bit faster, go up and down some hills, that kind of thing. I ran pretty quick down the hill at Brockwell which felt good. Bit of a twinge in my thigh at the end so I slowed down and ambled back.

Sad to hear that itā€™s Caribouā€™s last Radio 1 show. Itā€™s been great!

8/23/2020, 8:47:48 AM ā€“ Run log

Hyde Park Via Brixton HM26

27.31 km02:43:496:00 min/kmStrava

This is possibly my longest run yet. Canā€™t remember! I might have done 29 earlier in the year. The great thing is that I kept to my planned pace bang-on and my legs seem totally fine afterwards.

Thanks to James for his new book - The System - which I had on pre-order and am probably one of the first people listening to it! Itā€™s great - a really interesting look at the power dynamics, politics, governance and technical infrastructure that makes the internet work. Pitched at a lay personā€™s level, but without dumbing anything down. Recommend!

8/22/2020, 9:58:51 AM ā€“ Run log

Up to the top of the hill

5.55 km30:415:13 min/kmStrava

Iā€™ve started running to the top of Brockwell Park hill and back. I think this is three times now. Getting some hills in the mix apparently helps with how you run. šŸ¤”

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