Hi! I'm Stef 👋 Last September, I started running, aged 41, having not run since school. Things escalated! I'm now training for the London Marathon in October 🙀 Read the full story
I’m still suffering a bit of pain in my thigh, but I’ve strapped up both knees today, which seemed to help.
So I think I’m probably back into my weekly Sunday half marathon rhythm.
I read a bit about “Marathon Shape” in the Runalyze app (which I find really helpful to see how I’m progressing) and I’m at about 43% “ready” according to their metrics. Apparently I should be aiming to get to about 80km per week in the run up to the marathon (when one actually occurs!)
Not knowing whether London will go ahead or not means I’m in a bit of a confused state with training. I’ve basically tried to hold at 40-50km per week through lockdown. It’s possible it could still go ahead in October, but also I can’t quite “get it” that that may happen. Tricky!
Today’s listening - nearly finished the dog training book which is super helpful for preparing for our new arrival, and then Nemone’s Radio 6 show with an absolutely mega track that popped up. A really heavy remix of Slam’s Positive Education called “Megashift” that helped me keep the pace up right at the end. 💥
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I'm running the London Marathon – it would be awesome if you would sponsor me to raise funds for the National Autistic Society.