Hi! I'm Stef πŸ‘‹ Last September, I started running, aged 41, having not run since school. Things escalated! I'm now training for the London Marathon in October πŸ™€ Read the full story

5/28/2020, 6:31:34 PM – Run log

Ouch, gasp! 😱

10.11 km59:185:47 min/kmStrava

Having some trouble breaking in the new shoes. Really painful on my left foot just next to the ball of my foot. My toes feel a bit squashed and lots of friction. I had a brain wave that perhaps I’d not tightened them _enough_ even though they felt tight. So perhaps if the foot is moving around too much, there’s increased friction. So I stopped to tighten them up a lot. It seemed to help, but then a very strange guy started yelling at me incoherently so I rushed off and stopped thinking about it. Then I arrived home to find my landlord had casually trashed out front garden. Flipping heck. And some weird anti fraud thing with the bank had happened at the same time.

Adrenaline back through the roof! 😬 So, no photo today as a result of all that!

Donate to my charity

I'm running the London Marathon – it would be awesome if you would sponsor me to raise funds for the National Autistic Society.
