Hi! I'm Stef 👋 Last September, I started running, aged 41, having not run since school. Things escalated! I'm now training for the London Marathon in October 🙀 Read the full story

4/3/2020, 5:09:22 PM – Run log

Getting out to stay positive

12.09 km01:05:215:00 min/kmStrava

Over the last couple of days it’s sunk in that we’re really in for the long haul. For those of you who don’t know me so well, my wife Emily and I have four kids, two recently confirmed as autistic. So it’s been a complicated few weeks - first self-isolation and now the lockdown. With plenty of adaptations to make so we can all get along, do our work, do our learning but mostly not just survive through this but also have some awesome times together!

Anyway, today I was getting a bit overloaded so went out for a nice long run. Felt strong, ran at marathonish pace. Made sure I stopped, swerved, avoided where needed and enjoyed Tom Ravenscroft along the way.

I’m thinking of running more often, but maybe shorter runs throughout the week to help with the overwhelm.

I’m also thinking of keeping up the Sunday half marathons and perhaps adapt my fundraising challenge to include doing that. But I’m a bit worried folks might have a dim view of that because it’s a couple of hours out of the house. Do you have any opinions on that? I feel like I’m being careful and generally staying away from folks, running at quiet times, running in the middle of the road (!) but that might come across badly. Would appreciate your thoughts.

Donate to my charity

I'm running the London Marathon – it would be awesome if you would sponsor me to raise funds for the National Autistic Society.
