Hi! I'm Stef 👋 Last September, I started running, aged 41, having not run since school. Things escalated! I'm now training for the London Marathon in October 🙀 Read the full story
I’ve been back to back with video calls so had to make a call - lunch or run? Last night I skipped my first run - the tube was broken and it was tipping it down anyway, so track wasn’t the best idea. Late, soaked and far from home sounded like a bad idea. So run it was, and no lunch :/
Anyway, stuck to the plan and challenged myself with a bunch of uphill running. I can feel my legs getting stronger and I’m learning it helps to lift up the knees!
Tomorrow, the longest run yet looms...
Donate to my charity
I'm running the London Marathon – it would be awesome if you would sponsor me to raise funds for the National Autistic Society.